Here Comes The Rain Again //
Know Me Well


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Monday, May 25, 2009
"I'm a jellyfish, you lnow you want to touch me but if you do, I'll sting you! *moves hips forward and back* "
Dhruv Koterri

"Salwaaaaaaaa!" *hugging motion*
- Fiq Hiehie

I have not been updating this blog for a long period of time.
I had to re-think what I was going to do with my life.

Results were reasonable.
Level position: 128.
Improved quite a fair amount although I felt I did not deserve it with my 'the-night-before-the-exam-study-like-hell' revisions.
It just shows how I underestimated myself and what I was really capable of.
And I got the highest mark for Lit presentation!

Leadership course was good.
Felt so inspired.

I realised this.

"Nothing changes,
Only people do."

An analogy that can be used is
A piece of paper.
Without anyone doing anything to it, it will not fold, roll or tear on its own.
We must be the change we want to see.

A friend of mine has been giving me a shit attitude.
People are starting to notice.
I'll put up with him/her first.

I'm going to study hard in Term 3 and 4.
I'm going to shut out all distractions.
I want to go to Sec 3 Express.
I do not want to go to Sec 3 Normal acad or tech.
I do not want to stay back in Sec 2.

And then I'm going to go to Poly.
I'm going to take up Engineering or counselling.
Automation? Electronics? Business? Building?
I don't know yet.

And then I'm going to study to the end and then start my career as a counselor.
That's what I came up with.

I'm going to do this for my friends.
For my family.
For the community.
For my country.
For everyone.
But most importantly,

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

"Uncle, are you going to Changi airport?"
"Ah go ah!" *Slams Door*
- Dhruv Kotteri

"Always remember that you are unique and different in your own special way. Just like everyone else."
- Anynomous handsome guy

"If you and Khomaidi share a cake equally, what fraction of the cake will each of you get?"
"Khomaidi? Equal? SHARE?!"
- Syafiq

Khomaidi's lizard infested hair is getting longer.

Went to eat at Swensens on Saturday.
Ate baked rice.
No pics.
Too busy enjoying food.
And Dad kept joking w/ the waiters.
"Do you sell lontong/mee siam/chinese ginseng tea here?"

And there was this guy wearing a Star Wars foot trooper/soldier helmet in the bus.
Like so cool.
He pressed this button at the side of the helmet and the microphone was like

Sunday was Mother's Day.
Went out secretly with small bro to buy gifts.

Mugged for science.
Studying at night is so cool.
My table was a mess.
Actually, my table is always a mess.

I didn't realise it was like almost 2, until I fell off my chair.
Ow. (The expression usually yelled after being inflicted with physical pain, and not PRSS's Discipline Master)


It's about 10 now.
Going to wake up sleepy neighbours with my horrible bathroom singing in the shower first.
Then dig up every scrap of paper with formulas or other maths faeces. (That doesn't sound right)

Go study.

Friday, May 8, 2009
"Strive to achieve, not to suffer"
- Salwaa

"Soldiers invading a fortress."
- Khomaidi

"People use Hairspray, Khomaidi uses Pesticides"
- Johan on Khomaidi's lizard-infested hair
The E-learning was a NIGHTMARE.
Lagging hell.
Didn't do a single assignment.
Rebellion Strikes!

I watched Fanboys,
laughed my ass off.
"It's not a garage! It's a garage-house!"

Went to Khom's house with Johan.
He was talking to RieRie on MSN. (Which was so important to him that he could not go out with us)

Tomorrow no Madrasah!
Hell yeah.
Monday no school!
Hell yeah.
Tuesday is Science Paper!
Hell no.
A lot to study manxz.
I'm going to take Biology next year, no doubt.

Watched Dangerous Minds during D&T.
Similar to Freedom Writers.
Half the time just walking outside.
Watching the heavy rain pour down, washing away the troubles.

I heard Mas Selamat got caught?
It was true, apparently.
People going to look down on Singapore manzx.

Oh, and I heard this joke.
" You're so fat that when you tried to fall in love, Love ran away."
Like haha.
Gotta lighten up.
Don't be so stressed out because of the Exams.

Hehey, Man U's going to move on to the finals.
Shoved it in to Chelsea fans at school.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

"Wear RED contact lenses and you will be able to shoot lasers out from your eyes"
- Suspicious Contact Lenses Salesman

"I keep forgetting how your face (MYFACE!) looks like, until I open a Ferrero Rocch'e chocolate wrapper and I go 'ohhh' "
- Dhruv Kotteri

" I wear ORANGE boxers"
- Johan Bin Jaafar

"She can put anything she wants in her mouth as long as I don't have to share any consumable items with her"

"Oh you know the usual, multiple bombings, suicide missions, mass killings, nothing new."
- Shahzaman on the question ' How's Pakistan?'

Like to start my entries with real quotes.
Interesting manxz.

Today, finished Lit Presentation.
I think I did a fairly good job as a presentor.
Many people don't know how to present properly.
You should make the slides as summarised as possible and talk as much as possible.

Lazed around in Geography.
"What do you call a rich Chinese guy?"
"What do you call a rich Malay guy?"
"What do you call a rich Indian guy?"
"Money changer."
(No racism )

You're so fat that when I tried to avoid crashing into you on the road,
I ran out of perol.
Tomorrow is the Online Emergency Excercise.
You have to wake up at 7.30.
I'm going to wake up and login at 7.30.
And then I'm going back to sleep.

MYE continuing next week.
Top Priority, Maths.
How do you study for ART anyways.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

It's 12.30.
Why am I still up.
Doing Lit Powerpoint slide.

Suddenly wake up at 11.30
Oh shit! Lit tommorow.

Tired man.
Finally finished.

Yay! I'm going for a Kem Perkasa in June for about a week.
As a Gen - Y facilitator.
Can't wait to meet the next batch of campers.

Still remember the trip to Singapore flyer on 18 march.

Ashraf and 'Apple'(forgot her real name)

(From L to R) Kak Faezah, Ashraf, 'Apple', Me, Mubin

On Singapore Flyer. Still wearing my 'goggle' specs.

Nice view man.

Burn my 7Hearts Burn!

Never posted for like one week.

And now I'm back.

Get ready,
this is going to be long.

Tons of stuff to talk about.
Like Aloooot.

Number One Issue:
Take Care to all loved ones.
Don't get infected with the
H1N1/SwineFlu Virus.

And We, as in the 4 or 5 of us gave new nicknames to each other.
Khomaidi = Kinder Suplise! (Take note of 'l' and not 'r')
Me = Ferero Rocch'e (Ya lah, Ya lah)
Johan = Pocky (Kayuu!)
Fiq Hiehie = M&m's

During Exams.
Take 3 pieces of paper.
I take 6.
3 for the Exam.
3 for making paper aeroplanes later when I get bored.
Heryani has a new, cool haircut. Which is actually not so new anymore.
Ramdhan looks decent with his new haircut.
Marissa had a fight with Afiq or something.
I don't like my class.
Been taking awfully long toilet trips, most of the time not in the toilet, walking around looklook people.
I slap people when they cough or sneeze near me. (SwineFlu scary youknow)
Must Smile More.
MustMust Take more pics.
Online learning is on thursday, time-wasting.
My phone is being a FEMALEDOG because I accidentally dropped it in a pool of water.
I can't dance. I just shake wildly.
Really miss talking to this one person on MSN.
She funny, man.

Friday (No school!) 1stMay
Went sembahyang.
You could fry eggs on the canvas.

Went to Ehub with Khomaidi to watch Jangan Tegor/Tegur?
Not enough money so we tuned back.
Took 21 and it was Empty.
Until about 3 bus stops later.
And I thought I could finish a BigGulp on my own.
Then there was this couple love2 in the bus.
Public lah oi.

This is My BUS!


Went Fico! to play soccer with cousins.
My Family Keco2 Talk2 Noisy2.
Went to eat at Al-Azhaar.
Nasi Goreng Kampung!

Dad lost car keys.
Went back to Fico! and found it lying on the road.
Thank God.
I like to play with my auntie's wheelchair. Wee!

Saturday And Sunday
Boring lah.
Stayed Home and played my ancient PS1.
The games are actually quite nice.
Played Harvest Moon : Back To Nature.
Really fun sia.
You have to take care of a farm.
Then can like, take care of a pony, chickens, cows(Moo!) and sheeps.
Then play Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 with my brother.

Boyol is a random word.
But it sounds funny.

Talked2 alot.
About serious stuff.
Big decision man.
I keep going out of the class.
Wth, Mr Low.
I'm not Flirting!
They wrote about him in a journal which is gay.
Really gay.

And I don't want a class Barbeque.
I Don't Like My Class.
Everyone in 2e5.
With the Exception of a few people of course.

This has been a Loong post.
So yeah.
