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Friday, July 24, 2009
These few days I have just been thinking a lot.

3 writers came to our class to speak.
They were managed to inspire us, or just me, within the short time frame given.
Sometimes I look around at the idiots I'm stuck with.

They can understand Algebra.
They will study for 4 hours straight for an exam.
They would clean the school toilets for the sake of getting bonus marks or CIP hours.
But they don't know a think about expressing their views and opinions into words.
I'm pretty sure I'm 14.

Science CA4 was quite easy.
Got some help from.

I stayed up till 11 to watch Prison Break yesterday.
Then my eyes could not take it and gave in to the extreme exhaustion.
Not been sleeping well lately...
Sad man.
Micheal Scoffield died saving his wife and baby.
That's what you call a noble act.
That's what you call a hero.
There's going to be nothing to watch on TV now that Prison Break has ended.
Waiting for Survivor to start its next season.

After a long time slacking away, I came for NCC training.
Unlike me, my fellow friends made the easier and much smarter decision of simply not going.
Training was boring.
6 people.

I guess I'm going to Sembawang tomorrow to help with the sale.

Friday, July 17, 2009
I start loving Fridays the moment school ends.

Started the morning with a freaking headache.
Have not been sleeping well these few days.

I'm beginning to take back what I said for my new English teacher.
She's good.
But scary.

Did not eat during Reccess, I was hungry but did not have the right attitude to get my lazy ass to the stall.
That reminds me of a question Dhruv asked me once,
"Would you rather be gay or have your whole leg amputated?"
Straight away I chose to get my leg cut off then get anal infection.

An idiot asked a such a brilliant question during Science when teacher was explaining Vasectomy(I think that's how it's spelt).
"Why not just cut off the penis than cut the tubes?"
Just thinking about it hurts.

More stupid questions were shot during ACE.
Anonymously an idiot asked "What is an erection?".

After school ended, the day sucked less.
After prayers, went to S-11 to eat.
Teh Peng is Ice tea.
Payed for the drinks.
We were waiting for our food near the stall.
Then the guy shouted "Nasi goreng! Bee hoon goreng!"
And we stood up thinking it was ours but then the guy signalled us that it wasn't.
Paiseh lo.
Me and Jo sat back down.
But Khom walked to the table as if he deliberately wanted to do that and it was a coincedence he stood up after the guy shouted.
We saw right through his cover of I-was-not-paisehed.
Fridays are like the best to get together.

Will be going to Fico later to play soccer.
Meet my cousins. Yay.

Harry Potter and the POA is going to be shown tomorrow and Harry Potter and the GOF will be shown on Sunday.
Then after, I will search for Harry Potter and the OOP on the net.
Then to the cinemas to watch Harry Potter and the HBP.
I will then proceed to finishing up my book and continue my goal of becoming a school counselor.
Not to be confused with a student councilor.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Linguistically challenged.

"I'm trying to think logistacally"
- Khom


I was awaken peacefully by the sound of heavy downfall clattering onto my clear glass window.
I took a deep breath of the atmosphere and choked on the polluted air.
Please save our planet.

Anyway, I woke up early even though I had been programmed to sleep late on wednesdays.
Prepared stuff for Home Ec.
And read a few more pages of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
Damn, It's beginning to give out a lot of spoilers for the third book.

Went to school.
Kicked a few umbrellas blocking my seat at the back.
I realised that my seat was a strategic location for passing things to other people.
And looking at people walk by.
Nizam brought the 6th book.
I asked for the third one.
This is mental torture.

Made lots of noise during Music.
Then did History homework during Independent study.

Paired up with Nizam for Home Ec.
Okay lah got 19/20.
Still acceptable lah.
Jack was such a genious.
He put the rice in the freezer.
The next Albert Einstein man.

A funny thing happened during Maths.
Shahzaman couldn't find his phone and tried to tell Mr Lee.

Shah: I can't find my phone.
Mr Lee: Eh, where's your notes?
Shah: No, I cannot find my phone.
Mr Lee: Ya, but where's your notes?
Mayvis: He saying he lost his phone.
Mr Lee: I know. Then where's your notes.
Shah: This is mine! *Points at notes I'm holding*.
Mr Lee: Ohh. So you're the one that didn't bring.

Like wtf.
Then Yew Jin came and gave him his phone.

Then had a long long conversation with Khom understanding stuff.
Went home.
Waiting for tomorrow.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince opens tomorrow though I'm not going to be watching it soon.

Monday, July 13, 2009


Finished the digital storytelling.
Within the short amount of time and irritating pop-up errors I keep getting, I produced a lousy piece of work.

Unfortunately, I did not have a thumbdrive at that point in time.
Fortunately, Huda asked me to pass it to her so she saved my ass.
Then I sent her this e-mail pretending to be a boss and she was my secretary.
Sounds so work.

I didn't know I could be good in Literature.
No, I'm lying, I've always been good at Lit.
My poems bear a strong message.

When all seems lost, do not give up hope for it is all you have.
Cool yo.

After listening to a few of MJ's songs, it's like a fatal lighting strike of revelation to the head.
Let's heal the world and stop this bullshit we call HATE.


I was feeling happy today.
Not a thing to frown about.
And Fiq and Jo were going crazy at my happiness.
Well, there are some things better to be kept to yourself.
Especially when you know your friends are going to make stupid comments at that info.
Khom was supportive though.
And they came up with a conspiracy theory that I was hiding a motive under my'act'.
A guy can't be happy just like that?
And so I did not feel so happy after that.

Chinese class was slow.
Teacher so boring.
Where's Beku?

Currently waiting for some stuff.
1. Prison break.
2. Nizam to give me the book.
3. Eat.
4. My money.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
It's 12 midnight now.
Can't sleep.
Quietly using the com.

I woke up today with a giant headache.
Totally ignored it and when to school.
I was fine until I got back home.
Something at home is causing it.

Anyways, the people who arranged 2e5's timetable have changed it again.
Can't make up their mind siot.
Like how my dad can't decide which watch to buy even though he has a LOT of watches ald.
"Hmm, this is niice. But this is nicer. But its more expensive..."
Lessons were sped through faster than a bullet.
OMG. I was wrong.
I like Home Ec.
I like it more than DnT.
It's so full of laughter.
Not that DnT wasn't full of laughs...behind Mr You's back of course.
Not like another one of Mr You's personal long LIFE speeches.

Sexual Reproduction chapter was harder then I thought it would be.
My class is full of immature asses who laugh at something so simple like testostrones.

Doctor: I'm afraid there's something wrong with your uh, testostrones.
Guy: My... what?
Doctor: Your, uh, testis...
Guy: Come again?
Doctor: Your balls.
Guy: Why didn't you say so? You had me confused with the gibberish language.

Pfft. Ignore that.

I need to be more determined, ambitious and have that stop-at-nth attitude which is basically the same thing as determination.
I need to pursue my career and forget everything else that is not important like toilet breaks, daily meals and sleep.
So goodbye, I'm going to improve my english and become a counselor.(I do not mean student councilor)

Ghost of MJ vid.
Check it out.

Friday, July 3, 2009
"If life was a box of chocolates, I would have eaten them a long time ago"
- Syfq W

"The purpose of a blog is to laugh at how stupid and immature you were back then and compare how much stupider and immature you have become."
- Anonymous handsome guy

For the linguistically(?) challenged

FiqH trying to pronounce 'Mutual'

"Why must they drop my dignity in front of the whole class??"
- Immanotgonnasaywho.

Its funny if you think it as a dignity being an object.
"Oh I'm sorry, here, let me help you pick up your dignity and put it back together with superglue"

First of all, I welcome my Dad back to Singapore after 5 days in Brunei.
Wasn't at the airport cos of quarantined.

My PC's being a-pain-in-the-lower back so I used my Dad's laptop.
Trying to adjust to the small keyboard.

Congratulations to Khom for finally making a blog though he has not adjusted to the whole blogging concept.

I had the courtesy of asking of Nizam's health to show my concern as a friend.
Well, actually I just texted him asking if he was alive.
And so he is.

Haiqal(WorthIt!) test results came in today.
He got an A1 for Matematics, a C6 for English...
Wait, I'm reading the wrong results.
(Audience -.- to my lame joke.)

He tested negative for H1N1 and was able to go back home and lived happily ever after.
Thank God.
The end.

Being quarantined sucks.
So please use Dettol hand soap to protect your family from germs.
(This Ad is brought to you by Dettol, the trused protection for your family)

Sorry for the add.
But as anyone who is quarantined would tell you, it sucksdonkeyballs.
If boredom could kill, well too bad it can't cause I'm begging it to kill me already.
"Be careful what you wish for cause you just might get it,
Cause you just might get it ,
Cause you just might get it"
- Pussy dolls with When I grow up.
In that case I want a huge bed, and a bathtub.

I have also finished doing the Digital Storytelling work.
It was easy, just time consuming.

Good news is, I would be back on Tuesday and not Wednesday.

So yeah.
I'll check on Nizam's health again tomorrow.
And I hope I sleep until about 12pm or I will have to suffer for a few hours extra.

- Syfq (W)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
LongLongLongLong time.
I'm just going to do a brief summary of my JuneHols.

1st June - 7th June
Starting week of holidays.
Slept till 12pm.

9th June
Kem Perkasa 14 briefing at BBE Gen-Y.
I got the green shirt ald yo!
Met and talked w/ Mr.Chee in the Mrt.

15th -17th June
Kem Perkasa 14
This should be the highlight of my June hols I guess.
I became a Facilitator.
Kind of like what the student councilors did during our Sec1 orientation.
Jaga bdk2.
Came to Pasir Ris Park late, like how I always come for meetings.
Met my group of 8 guys.
At first they were shy and quiet but I got their spirits going.
They were quite a cool bunch.
I fitted right in as their Faci.

And Marissa was there.
Doesn't take a genious to figure out why.
The camp's objective is to make you realise and appreciate your life and familystuffs.

I was lucky I didn't get a group of the younger boys cause they were like HYPERHYPER.


Water games were fun.
I got drenched by Syahir(GIANT) with soap water.


Kak Syafia's talk touched some people.
Message to all :
Appreciate your mom.

At like 10 we went to Sentosa for nightwalks.
Individual nightwalks.
Without a torchlight, at midnight.
But facis were not required to go so i just slept while waiting.
A lot of them were scared.
We kacau2 them a bit during their walk. Heheh.

On the way back,
everyone slept.
The bus was in silence.
It's what you should expect at 2am.

Slept in the bunk.
With 3 aircons, it was freezing.

16th June.
6 am.
Woke up for Subuh prayers.
Then slept on the mat until 7.

The whole day was filled with talks.

At about 7pm the parents came and sat down.
Facis were required to write a short positive comment about their group members which was difficult if you really can't think of any positive trait for someone.

Parents went home.
Facis and staff had barbeque.

HanisJoker didn't bathe from morning so we splashed him with KuahLemak and cili sauce.
And it sparked off a chain reaction.
Hanis splashed Asyraf with the hose.
Asyraf splashed Syahir with the hose.
Syahir spashed me with a pail of water.
We splashed Mubin.
We splashed Ihsan.

!!!We interrupt this freaking long post with breaking news.!!!
Khairul Nizam is infected with H1N1.
Quarantined for 2 weeks.
Throw apples at him upon his return just for the fun of it.

We tried to splashed Rifaie but didn't get the chance to do so.

17th June.
Woke up and went home.
And slept again.

20th June
Kak Faezah's wedding.
We helped her mendarat.
Like damn tired.

Appreciation for us at BBE Gen Y.
Went home.

25th June
Micheal Jackson's passing.
Rest in peace.
Thanks for your music.

26th June
Alfi got H1N1.
Bdk bola quarantined.

28th June
RushRush stuffs.


School sucked less than I thought it would.
Be happy.
Take care of your pets.
Use public transport more often.
Reduce energy use in your home.
