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Monday, August 24, 2009
Everyone else is having a problem w/ blogger.
Not me!
Anyway, because people have been telling me to update, I will.
This few days have passed by so fast.
Already spent 2 days at cousins' house for iftar.
And Im going to spend this whole week studying in the school library.
English test was just problematic man.
The passage is unengaging and boring.
And I just started on my summary when Ms Kaur said "4 mins left"
"OMGOMGOMG!" Just chong all the words onto the paper.

Tomorrow is maths paper. Scary. I'm going to have a nightmare about algebra tonight.

I'm going for iftar at the majlis this friday.
Get to wear this damn nice baju kurung.

I have been very boring and quiet these few days. Just no mood to be all kecoh.
And I still havent get back my batik painting.

Im just have to put up with this crap until I get my long pants.
So whtever. I have no mood to do anything. PMS man.

Monday, August 3, 2009
Sudden realisation of my own...

The more I look, the more my confidence is cut, the more I feel I have a small chance.
But a small chance is better than having no chance at all.
So I rather be paiseh-ed trying for/ than to keep it to myself and let the regret kill me slowly.
At least I tried, at least I did something.
Be willing to take a risk, that's what I'm trying to say.

"We escape to freedom, or we die trying."
- Prison Break
